Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Fibonacci Series....

Forgive me people, i am not trying to prove my mathematical and programming wizardary in this blog. However, there is an interesting coincidence that i would like to present to our star guys.

The fibonacci series is an ancient number series for representing the golden section of nature. The series as you can see is represented as

0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987 and so on.....

But for now, we are bothered only about the first 6 of them....


In the past several artists and architects ,biologists and scientists have done various work in representing the golden ratio. For example, da vince had several of his paintings maintaing the golden ratio. Leaf arrangements and natural shells preserve the golden ratio and so on. All thru these years people contributed in some way to depict , understand and preserve the golden ratio.

So, did our man bharatwaj, even though he was just a small time mathematics student if not in stanford at least in our AMJain college......He had his will power and dedication behind him for representing the golden fibonacci series in his style. And the best part is unlike da vinci and mother nature, he dint have to strive hard at all.

It was his tribute for the fibonacci series although he never knows fibonacci or what work he did.

I am not joking my dear men, i am not at all joking. Yes, our man bharatwaj had the above fibonacci series as his 2 year BSC marksheet. And yes, its in the same order.

o, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5

Here we see that even small people can contribute to the work of great mathematicians.....

long live our math wizard bharatwaj......we are honoured to have him as our friend.....


Blogger APAM NAPAT said...

Iyan aana alandhu pass avan.
> 40 < 50 ella examliyum. Eppadi?

5:15 PM  
Blogger APAM NAPAT said...

You have made one mistake. Small people? Have u seen the annaconda which becomes a python when asleep. He has also contributed for Pythongarous theorem.

Sum of the squares of two balls equals the square of the python.

8:18 PM  

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